24 year-old Bristol based illustrator Natalie took on the weather for her design...
Why did you enter the competition?
I enjoy challenges like this to keep things interesting, and as my friends know I love to doodle so they often send me competitions they find out about. A friend of mine sent me this one and I thought the brief suited my style!
How do you think your illustration reflected the brief?
I tried to get across how G-Shock watches can withstand all the elements: impact, temperature, vibration, water, g-force etc.
What inspired your illustration?
My work is often really inspired by the patterns, colours and shapes of the natural world. I imagined all the forces of nature and weather, and tried to use a mix of really hot and cool colours. Volcanoes and clouds are things that often crop up in my work: this seemed like a perfect opportunity to use them. I wanted to create a really vibrant, graphic illustration to reflect the bold style of G-Shock watches.
Where else can people see your work?
I'm represented by Advocate Art so you can see a range of my work on their website. I'm currently involved in some fun projects including the OH GOSH! charity colouring book, which will raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital. I'm hoping to have an exhibition in Bristol sometime soon so keep your eyes peeled for that if you're in the area.
What's the toughest thing about being an illustrator?
It can be tough juggling lots of different things at once, working hard to build a name for yourself whilst working part time too. It's lots of late nights! But in general it's great fun.
What's the toughest decision you've made in your professional life?
Having to turn down quite an exciting project because the client was offering little to no money. It's a common problem for designers and it's often very tempting to work for free to try and make a name for yourself. In this case I had to turn it down, but I'm glad I stuck to my guns as I think it's important to value a designer's work.
What are your ambitions for the future?
My biggest ambition is to have a children's book published. I also want to learn web design and launch my own range of t shirts!
Where can we see more of your work?
Either over on my website and people can also follow me on Twitter.
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