Based in Mexico, this 34 year-old designer, architect and illustrator drew his inspiration from Jaws...!
Why did you enter the competition?
I thought that it was a great and motivating subject. I also needed money and I wanted to win!
How do you think your illustration reflected the brief?
-Shock and water resist are some of the characteristics of the G-Shock model, so what came to my mind was placing the watch under the sea, being hit by these hammerhead fish cute girls, and demonstrating the efficiency of it.
What inspired your illustration?
While I was trying to come up with some ideas, I heard JAWS the movie was going to be played on a TV channel. Water and sharks! Just instead of the old friend 'Jaws', I thought these hammerheads would be perfect. I just didn't want it to look too simple and real, I wanted it to be unique and different. So I thought a little surrealistic stuff and some nice cute girls mixed could add the final touch.
What's the toughest thing about being an illustrator?
-I really don't think there is a very tough thing, maybe just when I struggle sometimes to get paid, but I guess that could happen in every job. Fortunately that doesn't happen very often.
What's the toughest decision you've made in your professional life?
Decided to spend big part of my time illustrating, which is one of my biggest passions, and trying to succeed doing it. But now I don't regret having taken that decision, which makes me very happy.
What are your ambitions for the future?
I want to do something for my country, my people and the issues regarding education and violence. I have a project which consists in collaboration with enthusiastic and talented people to start making a lot of nice and purposeful art in specific and visible areas in cities - trying to get more attention, interest and identity to the place, and hopefully, as a consequence, more tourism which could help keep the area alive. I'd like for us to express our ideas and vision of Mexico carefully and not in a negative way through this. That also could motivate young interested people to develop their art skills and I would be very happy to help them achieve it, especially to the non-educated ones who don't have many longings in their lives. Maybe this would help them find their way in life, and another choice than just to become delinquents or drug-dealers.
Where else can people see your work?
I have done different kind of work here and there, from urban art in different cities or even countries to illustrations for album covers, magazines, editorial, advertisings, posters, etc. and sometimes my style may vary quite a lot depending on the subject. You an always visit me on my personal site: or on my blog.
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