Baby G fan RoxXxann just dropped her new tune, featuring L (of Wretch's Traktor fame) and upcoming rapper Benny Banks.
RoxXx, who is signed to Polydor, will be dropping a mixtape in August, followed by her offical debut later this year.
What's the toughest decision you've had to make?
Leaving Birmingham with two days notice to come to London in the hope of creating a life in music in London!
What's the toughest thing about your job?
Staying focused and not geting gassed because in London you can be out every night having the time of your life...!
What's next for RoxXxann?
At the moment I'm finishing my mixtape and I'm also writing my album and singles, due later this year, early next year. I'm also geting ready for festival season. I'm performing at Lovebox, Glastonbury, NASS... a whole bunch of places!
Hit here for more.
can someone please post the lyrics.. i just love L's part.. very nicely done.. n sooo cute bless :) <3